Tuesday, June 9, 2009


And if you still cannot understand
That precious is studying beforehand,
A price so great you'll have to pay -
You'll look like a zombie on a decaying day.


Unknown said...


may b little zombie needs some time off in hyd! ;)

parivrajak said...


Njan oru kochu plan undakunnundu. May be The Secret will work.

Varun said...


Zombie eh? Very true. By the time Consti came about, the molting (or is it moulting?) was at its worst.

The raw skin is healing now at least (If only temporarily) - In preparation for the next mo(u)lting. :D

parivrajak said...

Sigh. Tell me about it. It is but the temporary calm before the destructive gale.

Darth Renatus said...

If the last exam was the Battle of the Black Gate, then we still have the Scouring of the Shire to go, if u remember... though the most apt LOTR term that comes to mind is the Disaster of the Gladden Fields...

parivrajak said...

The Scouring of the Shire is one of my favourite parts in the book, and one I find most painful. To come home expecting peace, and to find it torn apart... And then to have the strength to fight and set it right once more. :)