Friday, August 7, 2009


Jack of no trade, nor
master of one; stubborn child
cannot but wander.


Varun said...


Interesting, but not getting the context. Please elaborate :)

Varun said...

Or should I say,

Hmm interesting,
but not getting the context
please elaborate.


parivrajak said...

But that is what the mind is, isn't it? It's like one big... melting pot. Or churning cauldron. Or an all-chewing, thunderstormy ogre. Or very occasionally, a calm, calming sea.

Varun said...

Yes, I suppose it is. I like your thunderstormy ogre description, a nice way to put it :)

Wander we all do, Parivrajak. Some more than others, I guess. Often reaching umm... Piscean levels. :p

btw I hope you noticed the funky Haiku in my previous comment. Not that I had to work too hard to modify the original comment, but yeah.