Friday, May 6, 2011


The world is moving too fast. No, I don't mean how fast the technology is growing, or the new fast-paced world and living, or this increasing tendency towards immediate fulfilment of wishes. I mean simply that time is going just too fast.

For example, Titanic released fifteen years ago. Fifteen. Man, that makes me feel so old. Lion King was sixteen years ago, and I watched that in the theatre. My cousin, who was crawling on the ground looking for pebbles to chew when I'd begun school all starry-eyed, is now contemplating a career in experimental physics.

It doesn't end there, either. Does it ever occur to you that a day (all twenty four hours of it) ends way too quickly? You don't even realise it's gone, and it is, and before you know it, another day is over, and then another, and then another. Three years of law school have gone by this way. 

Now, this rapid passing of days is all okay, but only if we think we've utilised that time efficiently and effectively. And that's where I strike a snag, generally. Time is just not my slave: more like a fairy slyly dancing just out of reach, giggling and taunting and stepping clear of grasp all the time. I was once told that time is like a candle burning in the midst of a terrific seastorm (relevance being that it could go out at any point), and therefore, underscoring the paramount importance of managing all that precious time. You know, all that jazz about living each day as if it were your last. For example, you don't want to spend your last day... sleeping, do you? You should be climbing the Seven Peaks, or making a movie, or traipsing an unknown forest path (and fighting those bears while you're at it), or cracking a secret enemy code, or locating extraterrestrial intelligence, or talking to your dog, or  settling on a comfortable chair with a book you've never read. Learning something new. Always that, and nothing else.

Bugger boredom. And laziness. And all that (ejusdem generis).


Rhapsody-writer said...

May this rant keep your blog alive always :) Glad you are back.

That said, I would seriously love to spend my last day sleeping. Curled up. With the right sized pillow carefully holding up the head. And my favourite book lying open, the harmonious flapping of its pages being my last lullaby... :D

HRC said...

If the previous days were all spent in that manner I think a good sleep would really be a tempting choice on last day, for a change you know! :)