Sunday, May 10, 2009

Glass Half Full

"Congratulations! You are now an ant!"

Wait. O_O

Have I been promoted to a class of diligent, industrious living things, or is this a belittling demotion on the cycle of rebirth?!


PS - Yes, I know cycles/circles can't have hierarchies, but well... Who says we're talking logic here?


Varun said...

Working too hard on projects? Hence the subconscious influence of ants on your thinking (Diligence, industriousness etc) :)

Which in a way is good, because it suggests that your actually working hard, as opposed to scamming. Unless your scamming hard, in which case I can only applaud you.

And circles can have hierarchies... ever heard of concentric circles?
*Ducks head to avoid heavy object thrown as a consequence of bad pun*

parivrajak said...

Verun!!! :P

Not working hard on it at all. O_O

Yours are done, I s'pose?

And concentric circles aren't hierarchical; they just... get progressively larger. Or something. *blink-blink*

Varun said...

But the fact that they get progressively larger is a symbolic representation of the differentiation in their influence. That is if you assume that influence is a function of the 'size' of the hierarchy (By size I mean the mathematical dimensions of the circle).

Of course another contrary view is that this increase in dimension in fact represents a weakening of influence, as the peripheries of the circles drift further and further away from the 'centre', both mathematical and symbolic.


Yes I'm done with projects - as the socio influence above shows.

What does Pariv Rajak mean anyway?

parivrajak said...

Socio influence indeed. O_O

See, size is no indication hierarchy. The cockroach, Verun, the cockroach! So small, so creepy, and yet higher up than humans in the evolution ladder. :P

parivrajaka means wanderer in Sanskrit.

Varun said...

Kudos for deriving some meaning from my comment (I thought it was just gibberish).

But it just says a lot about you wanderer-types, "Don't put too much scene okay" - as I would have said in Chennai.

and Cockroaches? I'm quite scared of them actually. And they can survive a nuclear attack. So maybe they do represent a higher step on the evolutionary ladder. In fact you can signs of this evolution to roaches in a few special human beings - such as RSS supporters, Non-Arsenal football fans, and Bollywood actors. They are becoming small, irritating, creepy, clueless, dumb, and annoyingly difficult to get rid of. All they need to do now is to sprout wings and we have irrefutable proof :)

parivrajak said...

Gibberish is what the world is made out of. :P

(Say that in Tamil and it'll be way cooler. :D)

Of course not. Here's where it's fallacious: a cockroach is higher on the ladder only because of its... physical evolution (for lack of a better word), but you're putting all those ppl on the list for reasons of the mind and the head. We need an objective standard to evaluate. (I quote Rahul Singh. :))

(Some brilliance, I say, carrying forward a crux-less idea into conversation. *head-shake* :P)

Varun said...

Yes, this conversation is very pointless isn't it.

I blame the hippies.

*Realises he has just compounded the pointlessness many times over, and decides to stop before it gets any worse*

parivrajak said...

*stops right there*
