Friday, October 30, 2009


Read this.

Disturbing that there's nothing about what the girl herself says; there's only her family's word for it that "she's happy". And I find it ew that he wants to have children with her.

Okay, I'll allow for freedom of choice and autonomy and all of that, but... ew.

Perhaps we should think of an upper age limit for marriage, too.


Varun said...

"I didn't force her, but used my experience to convince her of my love, and then we agreed to marry," - Says it all, eh?

I'm quite impressed though that he can still get it up (or thinks he can) at the age of 112. :D

parivrajak said...

Heh. Yeah, I was agreeably surprised, and then ewed.

woenvu said...

wait for family law cases where 90 year old grandfathers want to marry their direct descendants who're 12 or something.

parivrajak said...

O_O Bleargh.