Thursday, October 15, 2009

freedom's just another word*

I have no words to write.
I have nothing to talk about.
I have no one to talk to.
I have nothing to learn.
I have no beauty to see.
I have nothing to take away.
I have nowhere to stay.
I have no one to help.
I have nowhere to be.
I have nothing to lose.

So every day, I sing.
And wish for everything.

*Janis Joplin: "Me and Bobby McGee"


c of puppies said...

so true..but again hard to accept; wish all of us could care enough to be so nonchalant and thus care less to really feel so free..

parivrajak said...

What stops us?
PS: Psst. Who? Tell.

c of puppies said...

The complexities of life and all the things we cling to supposing that everything is at stake and the next loss is the end.

Its not easy to have nothing to lose..not at all..

PS: Just a chance traveller stumbled onto thy land.

parivrajak said...

It's easy to make things hard.
Reply to PS: Really chance or not-so-chance?