Friday, October 2, 2009


I must confess: I do not understand the vagaries of the human mind.

It's amazing how you know when you should stop doing something and start studying, or stop obsessing about chocolate and move on to jalebis, or stop staring at the screen and start typing, but... don't. The human mind must be masochist, really. What else would warrant and justify obsession, blues (and greys) and non-activity?

I suppose sometimes, the difference is that you must stop wanting something and start working on it. Or something else. Else you'll just stay where you are - just another rusted cog in that big rusty wheel. And rust isn't a nice thing to have or be.



Varun said...

Someone's quite philosophical today hmm? Yes, the mind is frustrating sometimes, but it generally manages to get things done in the end. You're right though about the difference being when you stop wanting and start working. But what determines this change? That's the nub, ain't it?

parivrajak said...

Laziness does sort of call for philosophising, yes. After all, philosophy is better on paper than in real life. :)

Varun said...

aye, that it is :)

c of puppies said...

why is everything compared to a wheel? Its almost as if life is supposed to be ever moving..would it not be nice to be stuck in a time warp..a sort of freeze frame where things are cool just the way it is;the idea of wanting something is so pure, unadulterated..working towards it makes us realise our limitations and the misgivings about the entire world, na?